Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Kindergarten picnic

Well, the school year is coming to a close. Only three more days now. Today the kindergarten class went to the park for a special picnic. They had lots of fun, eating a sack lunch, playing on the playground equipment and walking to and from the park. Everyone is getting set to say their good-byes.


She's almost a first grader!

Maia at the park during her kindergarten picnic. Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Budding actor

Cameron's first grade class put on little skits in their classroom on Friday. His was called "Cinderella," and he played a police officer who pulled Cinderella over in her pumpkin for speeding.
After the plays, the group sang some songs, including "Loose Tooth," "Blue Bells," and counting by 2's, 5's, and 10's.
He's quite the budding actor - he practiced those lines until he really had them down!

Cameron as the police officer, talking to Cinderella. Posted by Hello

More from the play - Cameron is on the far right. Posted by Hello


We got a new pussy cat, and her name is KC (short for Kitty Cat, of course). We adopted her from the shelter in Miles City. She is a white calico, about nine months old or so (since we don't know where she came, we don't know exactly how old she is).

She is very sweet and loveable, and has slotted into the family quite nicely. She loves to be where ever we are - very much a people cat!

KC looking tough as she gives a big yawn! Posted by Hello

Maia posing on her new bed with the kitty. Posted by Hello

Ella and KC. :) Posted by Hello

It's Maia's turn to bring snack to her kindergarten class, and she can't wait to show them what she's bringing! Hard to believe in a few weeks she'll be done with kindergarten already... Posted by Hello

New bikes - and a rodeo!

Our new house isn't our only cool new treat. We also got new bikes, and we have lots of fun riding them! About a week ago the local law enforcement held a bicycle rodeo, and we went along. We got fitted for free bicycle helmets, then we got our bikes inspected, and got licenses in case they get lost or stolen. After that, Cameron and Maia tried out the safety course. There were stop signs and yields and curves and intersections...lots of fun! They both had tons of fun and did a really good job.

Miss Ella in her new helmet. Posted by Hello

Cameron getting ready to try out the safety course. Posted by Hello

Maia riding her bike on the safety course at the Bike Rodeo. Posted by Hello

Our new house

Well, it was a LOOOONNNGGG first few weeks in our new town. We ended up having to stay in a hotel, because there weren't any houses or apartments available in town at all. It was cramped quarters, but they had a pool, so we made do. *wink*

Now we are in our new house (well, we have been for a couple of weeks), and we love it! We each have our own room, and we're going to decorate them just the way we like. We'll probably have it down by the end of the summer, we'll be sure to post pictures when we're done.

Love to everyone, we're doing well, just wanted to share some pictures with you.


Cameron, Maia and Ella

Playing at home - here we are playing piggy back with our cousin Kayden. Doesn't Cameron look tough and scary? Hope we don't fall! Posted by Hello

Maia and Ella playing in the new back yard - it's got lots of space to run and play! Posted by Hello

Monday, May 09, 2005

Cameron and Justin took a train trip out to the coast and back this weekend - Cam's first time on the train, he had a really great time. Even made some friends with the staff, and a little girl on the return trip. Posted by Hello