The first clues were hidden throughout the house and the yard. We rushed out and got them, then brought them back to try to figure out the mystery. They said:
Congratulations Cameron, Maia and Ella Rose!
This Christmas, you have participated in one of the most important children's movements of your time.
The goal - to provide children around the world with new opportunities to explore, experiment and express themselves.
But how to do it?
How do you empower children around the world to take full advantage of every opportunity this world has to offer?

We puzzled over the question, then went off to find the next clue, where we learned:
One Laptop Per Child
A donation has been made in your name to a very special program which is putting laptops in the hands of children in third world countries all over the world.
But there's more!!!
Wow, that's pretty cool. But more could there be? Off we were again, to find the next hint.