Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

We had a fun New Year's Eve, with Gramma, Grandpa, Mom and the Ramsey kids. We had a good time teaching Jaydis how to use the Wii, and hanging out to watch movies.

By the time midnight struck, Cam had gone home with Gramma and Grandpa, Ella was curled up on the couch with Mom, and Maia was snuggled up on the floor with Bria. It was a good night!


Mom and Ella playing Scrabble Junior. She's good at this game!


Cameron and Ella doing a duet on the guitars.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Home for two weeks over Christmas break, Maia and Ella had lots of fun helping with the daycare. They both like to be helpers - and they adore babies!

Here Maia and Ella help take care of 11-month-old Rylan (and of course their baby sister).

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ella and Bria

Ella loves to spend time with her sister Bria. She won't be so tiny and snuggly for long!

Sister love

Maia always likes hanging out with Bria.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The day after ...

The day after Christmas is always a good time for hanging out with the family. Cameron and Ella practiced yoga on the Wii Fit (Mom's Christmas gift), and Maia had fun snuggling with her baby sister.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We had a fun Christmas at Mom's house this year. It was a big day with lots of presents and tons of food, and our baby sister's first Christmas!

Everyone was really happy with their gifts. Cameron got the acoustic guitar he's been wanting. Maia got an MP3 player (which she later spent hours filling with songs from Dad's music collection). Ella got a Barbie and a special necklace. There were lots more presents, too, including clothes, toys, books and more. It was a fun day!

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Decorating the tree

The kids had a good time today, decorating the Christmas tree. It's always fun to pull out the boxes of ornaments and talk about when they got all of them. Most have a story, it's pretty cool!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Snuggling with my sis

Maia and baby Bria fell asleep on the couch at Gramma's tonight. It was so cute, we had to post a picture!

Christmas program

The kids had their school Christmas program last night. There was lots of fun to be had - starting with performances by the Fifth Grade Band. Maia plays percussion for the band, and played the xylophone for "Hot Cross Buns," then the bass drum for "Jolly Old Saint Nicholas" and the snare for "Good King Wenceslas." She then helped out the Sixth Grade Band by accompanying them, as well!

Next was a performance of "Christmas in the OK Corral" by the first, second and third grade classes. Ella had a speaking part - she played Betsy Bookworm. Songs included "Christmas in the West," "Bubble Gum Goo," and "Sticky Situation." It was a very fun program!

After that was "An All American Christmas," featuring the fourth, fifth and sixth graders. Maia and Cameron sang songs such as "Roots," "Sing the Christmas Story," and "Yankee Doodle Santa." Maia also featured in the gospel choir during the song "Children Go Where I Send Thee."

If you can't pick Cameron out in the pictures above, it's because he is a shorty in the back row! He is fifth from the left in the top three photos.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cameron's birthday

Cam was in Montana for his birthday this year, so he got his gifts a little later here. He opened gifts from New Zealand, Washington, and North Dakota tonight - and was a very happy boy! Hard to believe he is TWELVE already!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Ella's 9th Birthday

Miss Ella celebrating her ninth birthday (six days early, because she'll be in Circle for the big day).

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Maia the nail tech

Doing Mom's nails. :)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cam's trip to the ER - and first broken arm

He swears up and down it doesn't hurt...and looks pretty pleased with himself after his run-in with the six foot drop at the skatepark. Eleven year old boys!!!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Making pizzas

We had some fun tonight, making homemade individual pizzas.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bro and sis in NZ

We didn't get to go to New Zealand this time, but we did get photos! Here is our step-sister Aleisha and our step-brother Matthew. They sure have grown a lot since we last saw them!!!