Thursday, December 02, 2004

School conferences

Cameron and Maia's school had school conferences yesterday, and they are both doing SO well!

Cameron, Mr. First Grade, struggled a bit at the beginning of the school year with some behavior issues, but he seems to have gotten past them, and is doing super well in school. His teacher says he loves to be the classroom helper, and does a great job with it. He is becoming quite the reader, and is reading with the advanced group in his class so he doesn't get bored. He scored in the 94th percentile on a reading test his class took recently, and he continues to excel.

Math is progressing very well for him, too, and he is really enjoying it. We're working on numbers some, because as he learns he is still writing some of them backwards, but he learns so fast! He's doing a great job. His teacher is very very proud of him, and so are we.

The big Kindergarten Maia also got rave reviews from her teacher. She is in the top fourth of her class, and her group is going through the reading lessons splendidly. She loves school, and has a great attitude. She got great marks across the board.

Maia's teacher sent home some worksheets so she can work on her letters and sounds, and she really enjoys practicing and doing her homework. She's a great little reader, and is picking everything up quickly.

They're growing up so fast!

Monday, November 29, 2004

An ear for music

Ella is advancing so quickly, we've been looking for some activities to keep her active and interested. Monday she started taking piano lessons, which she loved instantly. She spent the rest of the day counting her fingers, and practicing telling us which ones were which.

She loves her teacher, who is very patient and very sweet. As soon as she came home from her lesson, she had to draw her teacher a picture, and she can't wait to go back next Monday! We got her a keyboard for practicing on, and if she keeps enjoying her lessons as much as she enjoyed the first one, we will start to look for a piano for her.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Monday morning we woke up to go to school and looked out the window to find that everything was covered in a blanket of white! The snow wasn't very deep, just an inch or two, but it stuck around, and in the afternoon we got all dirty trying to make snow angels. Lots of fun!

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Friendly Bambi

The strangest thing happened when we were playing outside today. This apparently tame deer came up to visit, and was sniffing around at the kids and making friends. All of the neighbors came out to see her, and they were petting her, and some kids were even riding her! We didn't touch it, but it was sure fun to watch what it was up to!

Turns out the deer was an orphan that was raised by some people out in the country near us, so it was friendly because it was used to being around people. After she left our house, she went into town, where she was spotted thinking about doing some shopping at the hardware store and visiting with some kids outside a pizza place.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a nice quiet Thanksgiving at home this year. Mom fixed a turkey and all the fixings, and we munched all day, just like you're supposed to! We ended up having a friend over for the day, because his parents had a family emergency, and he needed a place to go for the day. The more the merrier, we thought, and we had lots of fun playing with our friend.

At school, we learned about the first Thanksgiving, and the meaning of the day. Oh yeah, and lots of fun songs!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Enjoying some time on the lake during a Cub Scout hike. Posted by Hello

Cub Scout Hike

Cameron's Tiger Cub den had a great Sunday as they went for a hike at the State Park. It was a beautiful day, and everyone had a really good time.

Lined up and ready to go! Posted by Hello

Trying to remember to keep her fingers out of her mouth during the flag ceremony. Posted by Hello

Cheerleading Clinic

Maia took part in the cheerleading clinic at school from November 8 to 12. The cheerleading squad from the high school came in and taught the girls lots of fun cheers, a dance, and a "flag" ceremony. Then on Friday they got to perform at the pep assembly to send the cross country girls off to state. She had so much fun. :)

High school,here we come!


Miss Ella Rose trick-or-treating in her super cute dinosaur costume. Posted by Hello

Trick or Treating fun

Everyone had such a good time trick-or-treating this year. The weather was great, the candy was plentiful, and spirits were high. We had such fun!

Cameron was a character from Star Wars - Jar Jar Binks, Maia was a diva (but we already knew that), and Ella Rose was a little dinosaur. A 'triceratot.'

Great night.

Fun at the pumpkin patch. Posted by Hello

Cameron the toothless bobbing for apples. Okay, so it didn't work too well with four front teeth missing, but he gave it a great shot! Posted by Hello

Day before Halloween

We had a really good time checking out the local Halloween Carnival the day before Halloween. We bobbed for apples, fished for prizes, and everyone won something in the cake walk! It was a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

On the way home, we checked out the pumpkin patch, and the girls got their pumpkins (Cameron had been with his class and gotten his). It was lots of fun, and we even posed for photos in the cool wagon.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Friday was a big day for elementary kids!

Big day at the elementary school, as all the kids and parents gathered to celebrate Halloween with a sing along, costume parade, and classroom parties. Cameron and Maia had a great time, and Mom came down and took the cute pictures you will find below. Next stop, trick or treat!

Maia partying with her friends in the kindergarten class. Posted by Hello

Cameron enjoying all the treats in the Halloween party in his classroom. Posted by Hello

Maia is all about the sing along! She's clapping and singing along, and comes home to tell us all the songs. Posted by Hello

Cameron enjoying the sing along with the whole school. Posted by Hello

Friday, October 29, 2004

We got to do a paper route a couple of days - don't we look cute?!?! Posted by Hello

Monday, October 25, 2004

How to make orange juice

How to make orange juice, by Ella

Over lunch today, Ella puts her sandwich down and looks at me.

"I know how you make orange juice," she says.

"Oh? How do you do that?"

"First, you get an orange cow."

"Then what?"

"I don't know, he makes orange juice."

"What if I want apple juice? Do I need an apple cow?"

At this point, I am given a look that says, sheesh, I thought you were supposed to be teaching ME, which is promptly accompanied by rolled eyes.

"No, mom, that would be silly."

After a few pensive bites of her sandwich, she looks up at the jack-o-lantern her sister brought home from kindergarten.

"I know how you make a pumpkin."

"Oh? How?"

"First you take some orange juice. Then you pour it into a cup to measure it, and you pour that into a bown and mix and mix and mix."

"Wow, we should get one of those cows, they sound really useful!"

She thinks for a moment, probably about where we would keep a cow. "Maybe we should just get a farm."

"Would we live on the farm?"

"No, we'd just go there every day."

"So...let me get this straight. How do you make milk?"

"A white cow."

"Ahhh, I see. So what would a brown cow make?"

"Chocolate milk."

"And an orange cow..."

"Orange juice. I said that."

Saturday, October 23, 2004

George Bush six

"Mooooommmmmm! Camer-"

"Are you about to tattle?"

"Well, yes, but-"

"What's the rule about tattling?"

"But Cameron pinched me!"

"Cameron, why did you pinch Maia?"

"She looked like she was about to dump out the lego!"

So wait. What you're trying to tell me are about to go to time out, because your sister *looked* like she was about to do something you didn't like. Not because she did it, but because she looked like she might.

I suppose she has weapons of mass destruction under her bed, as well?

Friday, October 15, 2004

Baking Cookies

You can always tell it's been a good day when you come home, and the smell of chocolate chip cookies is in the air. It just smells like home, they're the best.

Ella was a super big helper today, making cookies while the kids were at school so they could come home to special homemade treats when they got off the bus.

And very proud of it! Posted by Hello

Ella helping Dad bake cookies Posted by Hello

Monday, October 11, 2004

Miss Ella is planning her birthday party

Ella is going to be four next month, and she had lots of fun making up invitations for her pre-school friends to come to her birthday party. She is SO clever, Mom told her the letters to write, and she wrote:

To: (Name)

You are invited to a party!

Love: Ella

For all nine of her school friends!

She is very excited for her birthday, too. At first she wanted to go to Chuck E. Cheese, but then decided that was much too far to drive, and her friends wouldn't be able to share it with her. So, she is going to have all of her friends over to the house for games and treats and play. Her big request is a pink cake with nothing on it except candles.

(The cake she wants is the one in a picture from the cover of a Perkins kiddy menu she has been toting around for weeks now, drawing on and practicing letters with. She got it when we met Grammy Sindy and Grandpa Jerry at Perkins when they were in Washington. I'm not quite sure yet if she'll be disappointed when her birthday cake isn't actually a cartoon...*laugh*)

Cameron's popcorn sale update

Cameron is really enjoying selling popcorn for the Cub Scouts. It's a very cool fundraiser, because over 70% of the proceeds actually stay local. He sends lots of big thank-you's to everyone who has offered to buy from him, and if you haven't, there's still time! Scroll down a bit to check out the kinds they have to offer, and drop him a line at to let him know what you'd like.

(By the way, he's reading his own e-mails these days. In fact, he's reading everything these days - he's become quite the reader!)

This weekend he is hoping to sell at a table outside the grocery store, so that will be very exciting. He'll team up with some buddies from his Tiger Cub den to try to raise money for the projects they'll be doing this year. Big excitement!

(Funny, last year when he did a fundraiser for kindergarten, he wasn't at all excited about selling. The few sales he made were because Mom did it for him. I guess this means he's growing up! Wait...he's not allowed to do that!!!)

Lady Bug

Lady Bug
Originally uploaded by Curtisskids.

Lady Bug Larvae

Lady Bug Larvae
Originally uploaded by Curtisskids.
Lady bug larvae like these live in a little "house" in Maia's classroom.

Kindergarten Update

Maia is loving kindergarten, and we are definitely seeing the benefits of the full-day program.

She has so much news!!!

Her class is raising lady bugs, which is very fun. When we saw them at open house, they were these black crawly nasty larvae, but on Friday, they got their first adult lady bug! She was so excited to come home and tell us about it!

We found a couple of pictures to show the before and after of what the lady bugs look like, and will post them here (above).

So far, the letters they have learned are: A - E - H - K

They sing songs and do activities with each of the letters, and are having a really great time. It's so cool to see how much fun learning is for kids their age.

On Friday, Maia was the special class helper. Such a big girl. :)

Also on Friday, the class started working on Halloween stories. They have plans for dressing up and having parties on their last school day of the month, which sounds like lots of fun.

They have been learning lots about bugs this year, and right now they are working on spiders.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Cub Scout Popcorn

Thanks everyone for your responses on the popcorn sale! I had Mom put all of the pictures here so you could see them. Let me know if you'd like to buy any of them.

70% of the money from this sale stays LOCAL to my Cub Scout pack, so you're helping us pay for field trips, pinewood derby cars, and all the fun activities we will do this year.

E-mail me with your orders or questions.



The best of both worlds! Includes 26-ounces gourmet caramel corn with peanuts, 7 ounces gourmet cheddar cheese corn, 7 ounces gourmet white cheddar cheese corn, all stored in a great new "Spirit of America" tin. Our best seller! $30 Posted by Hello


Not pictured -- 2.5 pound popping corn tin. Unpopped popcorn for use in your popper at home. $7

Chocolatey Caramel Crunch - 24 oz. gourmet caramel corn drenched in chocolatey goodness, packed in foil and stored in "colonial winter's eve" tin - $15 Posted by Hello

28 ounce caramel corn and caramel glazed almonds and pecans, packed in foil and sotred in a "ball park" tin. - $15 Posted by Hello

24-pack Microwave (The picture shows one more flavor than there is, they didn't have a photo of the correct item) - Includes six packs each of four flavors: Unbelievable butter, butter, butter light, and kettle corn. - $25 Posted by Hello

18 pack kettle corn microwave popcorn - $20 Posted by Hello

15 pack Unbelievable Butter Microwave Popcorn - $15 Posted by Hello

15 pack butter light microwave popcorn - $12 Posted by Hello

12 ounce Gourmet Caramel Corn with peanuts - $7 Posted by Hello

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Cub Scouts

Cameron had a big night, with the orientation for Cub Scouts. He's so excited - he learned a new silly song, and played a game with the older Cubs where they played "air hockey" interesting variation that involved blowing ping pong balls. But they all loved it!

He was very excited to discover that a boy from his class (who he declared was his "fourth best buddy") was in Tiger Cubs with him. There are four or five boys in his age group, and they will be kicking off this weekend with popcorn sales. (Sooo...if Cameron hasn't asked you yet and you'd like to buy popcorn, e-mail him at and he can tell you all about the options.) I'd post about it now, but we don't know the details until we go to pick the popcorn up tomorrow.

He also got his Tiger Cub handbook, which he wanted to sit down and read tonight, but he got home just in time to have some ice cream and go to bed. So it'll have to wait for another day. Big excitement, though.

All I Really Need to Know, I Learned in Kindergarten

In honor of the kindergartener among us...

All I really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be I learned in kindergarten. Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school mountain, but there in the sand pile at school.

These are the things I learned:

* Share everything.
* Play fair.
* Don't hit people.
* Put things back where you found them.
* Clean up your own mess.
* Don't take things that aren't yours.
* Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.
* Wash your hands before you eat.
* Flush.
* Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
* Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.
* Take a nap every afternoon.
* When you go out in the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands and stick together.
* Be aware of wonder. Remember the little seed in the Styrofoam cup: the roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.
* Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the Styrofoam cup - they all die. So do we.
* And then remember the Dick-and-Jane books and the first word you learned - the biggest word of all - LOOK.

Everything you need to know is in there somewhere. The Golden Rule and love and basic sanitation. Ecology and politics and equality and sane living.

And it is still true, no matter how old you are, when you go out in the world, it is best to hold hands and stick together.


Monday, October 04, 2004

Maia's school songs

Songs I learned at school...

Rainbow, rainbow, rainbow around me, rainbow, rainbow, rainbow around me

* * *

Alligator, alligator, pop.
Alligator, alligator, pop!
If I don't get some, I think I'm gonna die!
Give away the green grass, give away the sky,
But don't give away by alligator pie!

* * *

A says ah
Anton, apple, ah, ah, ah

E says e
Eel on wheel
E, E, E

H says huh,
Horse and a house,
Huh, huh, huh

* * *

And this one is a poem:

Who's that tickling my back, said the wa,
Me, said a little caterpillar,
I'm learning how to crawl!

I learned lots more, too. One is about the colors in the rainbow, and we do the sign language signs for the colors as we sing them.


Sunday, October 03, 2004

What a great day! Posted by Hello

Pushing Ella and the babies in the "car." Posted by Hello

Ella thinks swinging is SO much fun. Posted by Hello