Thursday, October 07, 2004

Cub Scouts

Cameron had a big night, with the orientation for Cub Scouts. He's so excited - he learned a new silly song, and played a game with the older Cubs where they played "air hockey" interesting variation that involved blowing ping pong balls. But they all loved it!

He was very excited to discover that a boy from his class (who he declared was his "fourth best buddy") was in Tiger Cubs with him. There are four or five boys in his age group, and they will be kicking off this weekend with popcorn sales. (Sooo...if Cameron hasn't asked you yet and you'd like to buy popcorn, e-mail him at and he can tell you all about the options.) I'd post about it now, but we don't know the details until we go to pick the popcorn up tomorrow.

He also got his Tiger Cub handbook, which he wanted to sit down and read tonight, but he got home just in time to have some ice cream and go to bed. So it'll have to wait for another day. Big excitement, though.

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