Friday, January 28, 2005


Well, January was sort of a slow month around here. Everyone was sick (yes, everyone). Luckily they mostly took turns, but Monday there were three sickies in the house! Cameron missed two and a half days of school, Ella missed two's been a rough bug to get out of everyone's system! Things are looking up, though. Ella has a cough hanging on, but aside from that, everyone seems to be doing better.

*knock on wood*

Maia had her first slumber party last weekend - one girlfriend for one night. And our house is still standing. It went pretty well, in fact, and tomorrow night she is spending the night at the friend's house. Much luck to her parents. *grin* Hard to believe she's growing up so fast - practically a teenager already! (And if you ask her, it's right around the corner.)

Cameron has been learning all kinds of fun new things in math, has moved up in reading groups, and generally been advancing really well. He's really quite the young man, even looking out for his sisters (when he's in the mood to). He loves Cub Scouts, and spends lots of time hanging out with his friends or racking up high scores on his new game boy.

Ella is really enjoying pre-school. She likes to check the calendar ahead of time to see what she'll be learning about so she can be prepared! She's not been feeling great, with a cold and other sickies that have been hanging on to her little body awfully hard, but she's been to the clinic a few times, and she's getting a handle on it. It's rough to be small!

Well - I suppose that is an update for now. Long distance hugs for everyone!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Pinewood Derby

Cameron has been very excited about his first Cub Scout pinewood derby - and tonight didn't disappoint. He got to race in two heats, and even though his car came in second in both, he had fun. The car was his own creation - painted with the number of his favorite race car driver, Dale Earnhardt. It had blue striping and numbering, and yellow and red flames on the side. The car ended up being way too light and he had to hot glue a bunch of quarters to the bottom!

It was a great time, he got a ribbon, which he was excited about, and he's looking forward to next year.

Cameron lining up his car for the second heat. Posted by Hello

A view from above the car Cameron made (and painted) for the Pinewood Derby. Posted by Hello

A rear view of the car... Posted by Hello

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Ella wanted to share this picture of her and the "poodle purse" she got for Christmas. :) Posted by Hello

We came back from Arizona to a little snow, then it just started in. And it snowed and snowed and's our swing set during a break in the storm! Posted by Hello

Sunday, January 09, 2005

On our way back from Christmas in Arizona, we checked out the Grand Canyon. It was SO big and SO beautiful! Posted by Hello

We got beautiful sweaters from Gran for Christmas - don't we look cute!?!? Posted by Hello

Maia singing with her classmates at the Christmas program. Posted by Hello

Christmas Program

Cameron and Maia's school put on a Christmas program this year - and they did a great job singing their songs!

Cameron's class sang "Feliz Navidad" and "I ain't getting nuttin for Christmas."

Maia's class wore cute little reindeer hats and sang "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" and sang a song about Santa, complete with sign language, to the tune of "Bingo."

"He slides down the chimney with a pack on his back, and Santa is his name-o. S,A,N,T,A, S,A,N,T,A, S,A,N,T,A, and Santa is his name-o!"