Friday, November 10, 2006

Ella is six

Ella turned six on Monday, a big day in our house!

To celebrate, on Sunday she had a special ladybug birthday party. Three of her friends came to play, and they had a grand time. There was pin the ladybug on the leaf, musical leaves, and lots more to do. A special cake make out of cupcakes and decorated with ladybugs was a big highlight.

Dad delighted the girls with a reading of “The Angry Ladybug” by Eric Carlisle, and Grandpa even found a real-life ladybug! It was a very happy birthday for Miss Ella.

Then on her birthday, more special surprises. She received a package in the mail from New Zealand, and was quite pleased to find it wrapped in ladybug wrapping paper.

“Gran is so smart! She knew what my theme was! She knew how much I love ladybugs!”
Ella definitely thought she had a very clever Gran.

She also received some packages from her Gramma Questa, which she was very happy about. Lots of super cute clothes that she has already worn more than once.

Look! Grandpa found a ladybug! Posted by Picasa

Reading a book with dad. Posted by Picasa

Ella and Jessie feeding her new puppy. Posted by Picasa

Ella blows out her candles. Six already!?!?! Posted by Picasa

Ella's super cute birthday cake, complete with ladybugs. Posted by Picasa

Ella checks out a new journal she got for her birthday. Posted by Picasa

Ella shows off a new dress. Posted by Picasa

Ella opens her gifts. Posted by Picasa

Jessie tries her hand at pin the ladybug on the leaf. Posted by Picasa

Maia makes ladybug shaped cookies for Ella's birthday party. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Spooky Day

Halloween 2006 has come and gone. Everyone dressed up and had SO much fun. Cameron was a skeleton, Maia was a zombie bride, and Ella was a witch (and a scary one, at that).

Ella started her day out with some trick-or-treating at the college with her daycare, then off to kindergarten for Halloween parties and lots of goodies. Maia and Cameron also had Halloween parties in their classes and got to put on their costumes and have a good time.

After school, Mom and Dad took them to the Trail of Treats, a program put on by the Chamber of Commerce. You start out at the Chamber office, where you get a map and a treat bag, and then you trick-or-treat somewhere around 50 downtown businesses. We walked up and down Main Street and hit a couple of others, then Ella went to music class, and Cameron visited a few others that were off the beaten path and had to be driven to.

Once Ella was finished with music we made a visit to the All City Halloween Party, which was a blast. There were tons and tons of carnival-type games, goodies, treats and prizes galore. We loved it! Everyone ran around having a great time, then we topped it all off with dinner at McDonald’s.

We only had two trick-or-treaters at our house this year, but with everything going on, can’t really blame them for not being out in the 20 degree weather freezing their butts off for a little candy.

Not really sure why we didn’t get a photo...silly us! At any rate, we had a great time, and it was all-in-all a very good day.