Sunday, February 06, 2005

Cat Tales

We had a really great Sunday outing today. A few months ago, we got some tickets to a zoological park in Spokane, and decided after all the sickies that have been in our house lately, it was time to get out of the house and get some fresh air. So we packed up our coats and hats and hit the road.
The park was lots of fun. It's a zoo just for cats, with a big variety of lots of different kinds. There were pumas and tigers, lions and even house cats! We checked them all out twice, just for good measure. Most of the cats there were rescues from people who thought they could have these big cats for pets, and we heard all about them. Really interesting and fun.
At the end of the tour, there was a petting zoo with chickens, goats, geese, rabbits and other animals that you could check out, pet and even feed! Surprisingly, it was Ella who was the most into feeding the animals. She made her little 25 cent cup of feed go a LONG way, and she had all kinds of animals eating right out of her hand. Everyone had a great time, and we were thoroughly worn out when we got home!

If you would like to check the park out, you can find their website at:

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