Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Busy weekend

We had a super busy weekend, with lots going on!

Friday night we went to the rehearsal dinner for the wedding of some friends - J.C. and Susan. We played lots of board games with the family, and made some new friends. :)

Then Saturday morning, bright and early, we were up and at it again, off to Fairview to do some work with the Jaycees. The group was putting in a barrier to protect the area between the bridge and the historic railroad tunnel (the only one left in North Dakota), and we were big helpers. Got real dirty, climbed and played a lot, and had fun.

That evening was J.C. and Susan's wedding. It was beautiful, and we made fun of Mom for crying. Grown ups are such saps!

After the wedding was the good part - the reception! We had a very good time snacking on the treats, playing with the kids, and then partying the night away. We all did lots of dancing, and Cameron even got up on stage to sing karaoke with J.C.! They sang "Beer for my Horses," and Cam sang the Willie Nelson part. He did a great job singing his part.

We didn't make it back to bed until eleven, but it was a very fun night. We can't wait for the next wedding dance!

On Sunday, Cameron and Maia tried out for the youth theater program. They had to get up on the stage and sing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," then recite "Mary Had a Little Lamb." They both did very well, especially after Maia got some coaching about speaking loudly.

They find out at the end of the week what parts they will play, and we'll keep you posted!

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