Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Our first post

Welcome to our blog - we hope you will visit often and keep up on what we have been up to!!!

It's been a big month for us, and we have lots to share. On October 19 we moved back to the U.S. - and on the 20th (yes, the very next day) Cameron and Maia started at a brand new school!

Cameron is in first grade this year, and Maia is in kindergarten. They have both slotted right in like they were made for it. They were SO excited to get to ride the school bus!

Maia is a part of the first class of full-day kindergarten offered in this area, which the community is really excited about. The belief is that it will provide the students with a more solid base on which to build their school careers, and we are eager to find out how it goes! So far she really seems to love it, and she's learning LOTS. (She comes home every day with songs about letters. On another day when there is less to write about, we will share one of them here.) She is making lots of new friends, and having a great time becoming part of the "big kid" programs.

Cameron is making lots of new friends, too, and having a really great time. They are working on lots of new skills, and his reading has just blossomed hugely. He can read about anything if he sets his mind to it - and boy, does he ever. No more of that whole "spelling things so the kids can't hear them" thing for our parents!!!

Ella starts pre-school next week, so that will be really exciting for her. She has been looking forward to it for ages.

We'll write more - and post some photos - soon. :)

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