Monday, October 11, 2004

Cameron's popcorn sale update

Cameron is really enjoying selling popcorn for the Cub Scouts. It's a very cool fundraiser, because over 70% of the proceeds actually stay local. He sends lots of big thank-you's to everyone who has offered to buy from him, and if you haven't, there's still time! Scroll down a bit to check out the kinds they have to offer, and drop him a line at to let him know what you'd like.

(By the way, he's reading his own e-mails these days. In fact, he's reading everything these days - he's become quite the reader!)

This weekend he is hoping to sell at a table outside the grocery store, so that will be very exciting. He'll team up with some buddies from his Tiger Cub den to try to raise money for the projects they'll be doing this year. Big excitement!

(Funny, last year when he did a fundraiser for kindergarten, he wasn't at all excited about selling. The few sales he made were because Mom did it for him. I guess this means he's growing up! Wait...he's not allowed to do that!!!)

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