Monday, October 25, 2004

How to make orange juice

How to make orange juice, by Ella

Over lunch today, Ella puts her sandwich down and looks at me.

"I know how you make orange juice," she says.

"Oh? How do you do that?"

"First, you get an orange cow."

"Then what?"

"I don't know, he makes orange juice."

"What if I want apple juice? Do I need an apple cow?"

At this point, I am given a look that says, sheesh, I thought you were supposed to be teaching ME, which is promptly accompanied by rolled eyes.

"No, mom, that would be silly."

After a few pensive bites of her sandwich, she looks up at the jack-o-lantern her sister brought home from kindergarten.

"I know how you make a pumpkin."

"Oh? How?"

"First you take some orange juice. Then you pour it into a cup to measure it, and you pour that into a bown and mix and mix and mix."

"Wow, we should get one of those cows, they sound really useful!"

She thinks for a moment, probably about where we would keep a cow. "Maybe we should just get a farm."

"Would we live on the farm?"

"No, we'd just go there every day."

"So...let me get this straight. How do you make milk?"

"A white cow."

"Ahhh, I see. So what would a brown cow make?"

"Chocolate milk."

"And an orange cow..."

"Orange juice. I said that."

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