Monday, October 11, 2004

Kindergarten Update

Maia is loving kindergarten, and we are definitely seeing the benefits of the full-day program.

She has so much news!!!

Her class is raising lady bugs, which is very fun. When we saw them at open house, they were these black crawly nasty larvae, but on Friday, they got their first adult lady bug! She was so excited to come home and tell us about it!

We found a couple of pictures to show the before and after of what the lady bugs look like, and will post them here (above).

So far, the letters they have learned are: A - E - H - K

They sing songs and do activities with each of the letters, and are having a really great time. It's so cool to see how much fun learning is for kids their age.

On Friday, Maia was the special class helper. Such a big girl. :)

Also on Friday, the class started working on Halloween stories. They have plans for dressing up and having parties on their last school day of the month, which sounds like lots of fun.

They have been learning lots about bugs this year, and right now they are working on spiders.

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