Monday, October 11, 2004

Miss Ella is planning her birthday party

Ella is going to be four next month, and she had lots of fun making up invitations for her pre-school friends to come to her birthday party. She is SO clever, Mom told her the letters to write, and she wrote:

To: (Name)

You are invited to a party!

Love: Ella

For all nine of her school friends!

She is very excited for her birthday, too. At first she wanted to go to Chuck E. Cheese, but then decided that was much too far to drive, and her friends wouldn't be able to share it with her. So, she is going to have all of her friends over to the house for games and treats and play. Her big request is a pink cake with nothing on it except candles.

(The cake she wants is the one in a picture from the cover of a Perkins kiddy menu she has been toting around for weeks now, drawing on and practicing letters with. She got it when we met Grammy Sindy and Grandpa Jerry at Perkins when they were in Washington. I'm not quite sure yet if she'll be disappointed when her birthday cake isn't actually a cartoon...*laugh*)

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